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🎞️ Day four on the road timelapse
roadlapse timelapse
🎞️ Day four on the road timelapse
📷 Long Exposure
Long Exposure road
📷 Long Exposure
📷 Long Exposure
Long Exposure road
📷 Long Exposure
📷 Long Exposure
Long Exposure road
📷 Long Exposure
📷 Long Exposure
Long Exposure road
📷 Long Exposure
🎞️ Day five on the road timelapse
roadlapse timelapse
🎞️ Day five on the road timelapse
🎞️ Day six on the road timelapse
roadlapse timelapse
🎞️ Day six on the road timelapse
📷 Hampton Inn & Suites
📷 Hampton Inn & Suites
📷 Hampton Inn & Suites
📷 Hampton Inn & Suites
📷 Hard Rock Cafe Memphis
Beale Street restaurant road
📷 Hard Rock Cafe Memphis
🎞️ Day seven on the road timelapse
roadlapse timelapse
🎞️ Day seven on the road timelapse
📷 Texas road house
📷 Texas road house